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5pm PST, Oct 25th!

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Welcome to the science-backed nutritional program that works!

You’re in the right place if you’re over 40 and frustrated by the fact that the weight loss methods you’ve tried in the past don’t work anymore. It’s easy to get discouraged by the endless cycle of weight loss and weight regain. The struggle is real. 

We get it. Which is why we designed a program that takes the struggle, frustration, and discouragement out of losing weight after 40. Weight Loss Break Through is for people like you. You’re smart, you’re motivated, and you’re ready to finally achieve — and maintain — your weight loss goals. It’s time you got the results you deserve.

We have decades of experience, thousands of success stories, and the science-backed systems that are proven to make weight loss over 40 inevitable! And now we have an optional Keto Cleanse track for people who have the sensitivity to carbohydrates and want to harness the power of the healthy version of a high-fat, low-carb eating style.

Why Most Diets Fail

Your frustration that diets have failed you is not your fault. The science tells us that most diets are set up to fail!

Here’s why:

Just eat less. The weight will simply fall off, right? Not really. This approach slows down your metabolism, may cause nutrient deficiencies, and relies on willpower. This inevitably leads to slip ups, greater weight gains than where you started, and loss of confidence in your body and around food.  

A one-size-fits-all solution. There’s no single, magic formula that works for everyone. Factors like age (especially for those of us over 40), your metabolic type, and unique nutritional requirements all play a role in determining the best approach for you. Any diet that fails to take this into account is bound to fail you. That's why we have an optional Keto Cleanse track for people who have the sensitivity to carbohydrates and want to harness the power of the healthy version of a high-fat, low-carb eating style.

Count calories, carbs, etc. Maintaining this level of perpetual planning, deprivation, and discipline is simply unsustainable and often leads to over-indulgence and self sabotage — what we call the “boomerang” effect. In other words, a lot of hard work for little or no results. 

Inflammatory foods and supplements. Most diets lack a system for identifying foods that can cause inflammation and prevent weight loss. Many of these foods, like whey protein, are hidden ingredients in so-called “health food” supplements. This is particularly important for our optional Keto Cleanse track; most people are doing Keto completely wrong, loading up with inflammatory foods that can cause harm.

No detoxing protocol. Toxins are stored in fat and can interfere with proper metabolism. So as you’re changing your eating habits, it’s important to properly detox so that weight loss you realize can be maintained.

Ignores gut health. Your gut is where the metabolic process begins. An unhealthy gut can negatively influence your ability to metabolize fat and achieve long term, sustainable weight loss. 

Lack of meal timing. When you’re over 40, it’s not just about what to eat but when to eat. If you don’t know the eating rhythm that works with your metabolism (not against it), you’ll miss this critical step in reaching and maintaining your weight loss goals. 

The fundamental problem is:
most diets fail to provide adequate, science-based guidance in many (or most) of these critically important areas of healthy, sustainable weight loss. 

Why Our Program Works

Weight Loss Break Through is based on the latest, proven research in food science and food psychology. 

We’ll show you the science behind hormonally balanced eating and how specific foods, amounts, and timing impact your ability to lose weight so that you can maximize your results.

You’ll experience a science-based detox using whole foods and targeted supplements designed to help you break through weight loss plateaus, boost your body’s metabolism, and maintain healthy weight loss. 

When you complete our program, your eating habits, taste buds, and mindset will be transformed so that you crave the foods that are good for you and end the cycle of weight regain.

We specialize in sustainable weight loss for people over 40

Our Weight Loss Break Through program addresses all the factors that impact your ability to lose weight and keep it off after 40. Most diets fail to account for the changes that happen to your body and metabolism over time. There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you’re doing all the right things yet not getting the results you want. Our program is the only weight loss solution designed to address all the key hormonal and metabolic changes that take place over the age of 40.  

We’ve already helped more than 10,000 people achieve and maintain healthy weight loss.

Weight Loss Break Through is based on proven, sustainable results. We combine all the success factors necessary to help you realize — and maintain — your ideal weight and health goals. Achieving sustainable weight loss takes more than any one diet. We help you make it part of your lifestyle. 

Breakthrough Stories

“My biggest realization is that I need support, it’s not meant to be a solo journey. I have achieved the success I've had so far because of the personal support I've gotten.”

- Clennita

"I finally found a way to live a healthy life and feel good with it, feel good with myself. I intend to stay with the program, even after I reach my dream weight goal….so I can make this my permanent way of eating/living.”

- Sigrid 

“This weekly reinforcement of goals and the tools you give us helps me integrate the program into my daily life and keep me from slipping.”

- Holly

"Hi, I’m Dr. Ti Caudron. PhD, and I make weight loss inevitable. As a Sustainable Weight Loss Expert, I’ve helped more 10,000 people over 40 finally lose the weight—and keep it off!"
I've dedicated my life's work to breaking the cycle of weight loss and regain that most people experience, especially those in their 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond.

At VitaliTi Wellness, we build our programs from proven, science-based nutrition and sustainable weight loss strategies specifically for people over 40. Our approach is to help you not only lose weight, but to keep it off — for good.

My passion is to empower people with the information, motivation, and support they need to achieve and maintain their optimal weight at any age. I promise, it's never too late!

Introducing our 8 week sustainable weight loss program

Start Your Journey Today and Here’s What You’ll Get

You’ll get weekly support from Ti and the VitaliTi Coaches — including live Q&A — to help you apply the weekly nutrition lessons and successfully navigate even the trickiest barriers to weight loss.
Your course portal gives you on-demand access to our exclusive, guided system with tips, tricks and all the information you need for immediate results.  
Created by Ti Caudron to help you break through any resistance and enable you to avoid the foods that sabotage results — without feeling deprived.
A beautiful guidebook to keep track of your reference materials so that you have everything you need at your fingertips. 
You’ll have the support and enthusiasm from like-minded participants and coaches in our Private Facebook Group and on our calls.
A summary of each week’s lesson with interactive surveys to record your results and ask questions that can be addressed in the weekly group coaching sessions.

PLUS: Bonus Materials

Video Series “Dissolve Unconscious Blocks to Weight Loss” with Coach Wendy Hart:
Is your subconscious mind blocking your weight loss? In this 3-part video series, Coach Wendy dissolves some of the thorniest unconscious barriers that keep us from achieving our weight loss goals. She’ll help prime your subconscious mind so you become unstoppable! 
Gut Restore Program:
An important missing component of most weight loss programs is solving the gut issues that keep you from being able to lose weight and keep it off. You’ll get access to our complete Gut Restore Program.
Burst Training Exercise Library:
Want a way to accelerate results? You’ll have access to a complete library of 1-minute exercises, for different fitness levels, that will boost your metabolism and give you an edge.

Optional Keto Cleanse Track

Please Check All Of The Questions Where Your Answer Is YES!

Are you new to the Keto Diet and wondering how to start?
Are you questioning if the Keto Diet is safe? 
Are you unable to stay on the Keto Diet consistently? 
Do you wonder if you’re in ketosis or how to get into ketosis?
Are you unable to burn fat and lose the weight you want?
And most of all, do you feel like you are missing out on the results other people are getting? 

If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, Then You Might Be Interested in the Keto Cleanse Track of the Weight Loss Break Through Program.

When you register for Weight Loss Break Through, you'll get immediate access to our guided, start-anytime Keto Cleanse program.

Review the materials to see if the Keto Cleanse eating style is right for you or follow along with all the trainings to jumpstart your success in the Weight Loss Break Through program!

Lose Weight
- "I'm 23 pounds down from the start of the class."
- "My mood’s improved - I feel happier!" 
- "My energy is definitely up!"
- "The late night eating has stopped."
- "I don't feel hungry."
- "I could have fat instead of sugar - I like that!"
- "My blood sugar is down!"
- "I plan to stay with this ketogenic eating. I love it!"
Make it Easy and Fun
- "I lost 16 pounds in 6 weeks!"
- "It is a great program for everyone... it's easy!
- "It's been awesome all the way!"
- "The best thing is that I did it from my daughter at home."
- "I tried several things before...and it's very hard for me to keep it up even for a few weeks...It's been six weeks it's been great!"
Eliminate Cravings
- "I can fit into clothes that I couldn't  wear!"
- "I have fat loss consistently!"
- "I don't have that afternoon slump." 
- "I don't have the mid-morning snacking or cravings."
- "I was more than satisfied!"
Think Clearly and Focus
- "I wish my brain had worked like this my whole life."
- "The sludge is gone!" 
- "I think clearly, I remember…"
- "My focus and clarity is incredible!
- "I am so hopeful and want everybody to have this!"

8 Week Program

Week 1: Unhook

The first step on the path to healthier, intuitive eating

By focusing on nourishing foods and a clear structure, you'll “unhook” from the foods that keep you craving the bad stuff. There are 2 parts to this process: Part 1: Hyper nourishing your body with nutrient-rich foods. Part 2: Removing the foods that may be causing inflammation and promoting unhealthy cravings.

Week 2: Customize

A customized nutrition program makes weight loss easier and sustainable

In your first two weeks, we'll help you develop a healthy eating style that matches your metabolic type and lifestyle so that it's easy to follow and naturally satisfying. Some will discover they do better with a higher fat eating style and some will benefit from a higher carb eating style. We help you figure out which works best for you.

Week 3-6: Detox

Reset your metabolism with a science-backed detox

The secret of permanent weight loss is detoxing as you go which aids fat loss, reduces inflammation and helps you avoid weight loss plateaus. We provide a curated detox supplement kit that will accelerate the detoxing process and leave you with glowing skin, and the increased energy and focus you need to sustain your weight loss. By the end of this phase, most people experience a clear sense of well-being.

Week 7: Personal Road Map

A personalized plan designed to help you stay on track

We help you create a plan that allows you to enjoy what is most important to you while enabling you to progress towards your health and weight loss goals. You’ll get strategies for navigating inevitable distractions and temptations. We’ll also create your personalized 12-month Permanent Weight Loss Road Map which shifts the focus away from “dieting” and provides the structure and support you need to sustain a long-term, healthy lifestyle.

Week 8: Sustainability Testing

Make permanent weight loss part of your personal lifestyles

This is the week you get to have a few splurges so you can observe which foods are triggers and which you can slowly begin to integrate again. You’ll start incorporating everything you’ve learned into your lifestyle and develop a mindset that will help keep you on track towards permanent weight loss. We’ll also help you decide the next steps along your path to make sure you get all the support you need to live fit, free and happy at any age!

Bonus: Intro to Gut Restore

Gut health is critical to achieving long term health and fitness

This week you'll learn which eating habits and supplements will help restore your gut health. We’ll show you ways to improve your digestion and avoid the things that can damage the gut. As a result, those frustrating symptoms of poor gut health like bloating, gas and burping will be noticeably reduced. Taking care of your gut also helps to restore energy, enhance mental clarity, and improve your mood.

Ready to Get Started?

When you Sign Up You’ll Get:

  • Live 8-Week Weight Loss Break Through Program
  • Optional Keto Cleanse Track
  • Bonus Materials

Or 2 payments of $567

  • Keto Cleanse track and materials available immediately!

100% Money-Back Guarantee if you don’t lose 8-30 lbs or 1-2 clothing sizes in 8 weeks*

Because the VitaliTi Weight Loss Break Through program gets results, we’re willing to let you access class materials, attend the group coaching calls, and complete the program — all completely risk free.  

*By the end of the 8 weeks, If you attend all the weekly live coaching calls, follow the program, keep a food journal, and ask for help if you get stuck, we guarantee that you will lose 8-30 lbs or 1-2 clothing sizes in 8 weeks or your money back.

"I’m finally comfortable in my skin!”

“When the pandemic hit, I started gaining weight pretty quickly and reached out to Ti. I was 188 lbs then and going in the WRONG direction! I felt out of control, unmotivated, uncomfortable in my clothes and in my skin. But following Ti’s program, I learned how to eat for my body's specific nutritional needs, got the support I needed and was able to change my future. I’ve lost 34 pounds during the pandemic and now I love looking in the mirror. I’ve never been at this weight in my adult life! (I didn’t know it was possible.) I feel confident about my body and I’m finally comfortable in my skin!”
- Holly D. Age 53

“Ti makes weight loss inevitable!”

“No matter how sure you are that you won’t be able to lose weight, there’s still reason to hope because Ti makes weight loss inevitable. Everyone succeeds in her programs - it’s truly amazing. She’s able to explain everything so simply and is so motivating, that I finally was able to lose the weight that I had been trying to lose my whole life. (And I’m 55!) Her program is the only thing that has worked for me. The support and the community is just what I needed to be motivated to make these changes permanent.”
- Cheryl R. Age 55

"My entire relationship with food and health is changed for life!”

“Ti is a magician. I just couldn’t lose the weight on my own. After getting on her program, I dropped 14 lbs in 5 weeks and got "me" back. My entire relationship with food and health is changed for life!”
- Jackie D. Age 46

"Ti motivated and inspired me every step of the way!”

“If I’m honest, I had pretty much given up hope of ever getting rid of my extra weight. I kept gaining weight every year, and I was unable to give up my favorite foods or my glass of wine at night! I didn’t think I had enough willpower and honestly, I needed my comfort food. Taking Ti’s class was a HUGE transformation for me. Not only did I lose 40 lbs over 6 months and keep it off, but I also learned that it was not my fault that I was stuck gaining weight and craving comfort food. Ti gave me the step-by-step plan to get the results I wanted fast and she motivated and inspired me every step of the way!”
- Karen W. Age 53

"I love how I’m eating. It’s not a diet. I even wore a bikini this summer!!"

“Before I met Ti, I tried everything to lose weight - Keto, Paleo, Intermittent Fasting, Plant Based, Master Cleanse, training for a half marathon...You name it, I had tried it. And nothing worked. I was feeling hopeless and worried that at 52, I had missed my chance for the body I wanted and would now have to accept this extra 20 lbs around my middle and thighs. I was scared that the scale kept going up every year. But when I started Ti’s plan, I learned so much about my body at this age that I didn’t know before and finally the weight came off! I love how I’m eating. It’s not a diet. I even wore a bikini this summer!!”
- Janet S. Age 62

"I finally found the structure I needed and lost 22.7 lbs!”

“Before I started the VitaliTi Weight Loss Break Through with Ti, I was unable to bring some "structure"to my eating habits. My eating was all over the place, really mindless. I can be an emotional eater and really function well when I "control" my eating, but it seemed really hard with everything going on in the world right now. Through her system, I found the structure that I needed and followed the system. In 8 weeks, I lost 22.7 lbs (yippee!) and lost 6 inches around the waist. My energy, mood, and focus have all improved while my pain and cravings have decreased. I feel so much better in my skin and I cannot even start to describe how much that is worth to me.”
- Sigrid D. Age 63

Or 2 payments of $567

  • Keto Cleanse track and materials available immediately!
Success Stories
"Before starting the program I had yo-yoed back and forth with weight loss not really being successful. I had incorporated a good fitness program into my lifestyle which did help. I definitely am a social eater so didn’t really think about what I was eating and when. Just kind of went with the flow. I didn’t have the best body image and always looked enviously at thinner people.

I have tried several things. I have done keto in a mild way where I did not measure ketones and all that however I did low-carb low sugar. I had some short lived success but I quickly fell off that wagon. Last year I did hCG twice and lost a great deal of weight however I did not feel my best and even though I adopted a better fitness routine in my life once I stopped the hCG, I found myself getting back into my old habits and gained 20 of the pounds back.

I just decided that I wanted to be healthy for myself I wanted to look in a mirror and be happy with what I saw.

Since starting Ti's program, I find that I am definitely more thoughtful about what goes into my mouth. I am very thoughtful about what I am eating with others. I am very thoughtful about what I am going to eat. I definitely look at menus with a different view now and look for things that will fit into what I have learned to be better for myself. I absolutely love the community that I have become involved in. Having those people every week be my own little cheerleading team is so amazing and powerful for me personally. Having Ti's support is incredibly powerful in my journey; just having all the positivity and encouragement and people going through the same thing I am has helped this program become such an easy thing for me.

As of today I have lost 45 pounds! I have very solidly lost one pant size and I am swimming in most of my tops. I love walking into my closet knowing I don’t have to think "oh my goodness is that going to look OK on me?" I know I can just pull anything out at this point and put it on and feel good about myself.

I am just excited to continue the journey and I love the recognition of my progress that I've gotten from my husband and daughter! It makes me proud of myself and want to continue this journey to see where I will end up."
"When the pandemic hit, I started gaining weight pretty quickly and reached out to Ti. I was 188 lbs then and going in the WRONG direction! I felt out of control, unmotivated, uncomfortable in my clothes and in my skin. But following Ti’s program, I learned how to eat for my body's specific nutritional needs, got the support I needed and was able to change my future. I’ve lost 34 pounds during the pandemic and now I love looking in the mirror. I’ve never been at this weight in my adult life! (I didn’t know it was possible.) I feel confident about my body and I’m finally comfortable in my skin!"
"Your program changed my life.

In the month we took the class, I had lost 17 pounds. I felt that this way of eating, coupled with exercise, really suited me. I felt great, and it was clearly working, so I decided to keep it up. I am proud to tell you that by mid-September, about 6 months after we started, I was down 50 pounds! I went from an XL shirt size to a Medium and from size 36 pants to a size 32.

Even better, I’ve stayed there (even after Thanksgiving!). I am definitely not as strict as I was, but I understand my body and diet much more than I did before and I’m able to self-regulate and correct, which is key.

I just wanted to let you know how much your program meant to me, and say thanks.

P.S. Isabel also ended up down about 20 pounds and has kept it off as well!"
"Before I started the Vitaliti Program I felt like I would never be able to improve my health beyond taking 5-6 medications at a time for Type 2 diabetes. Right before the Keto cleanse I weighed myself and I remember I was so close to 275-280 I jumped off the scale in disbelief, I have never weighed that much ever, and being 5 feet 8 that was not good.

My weight was slowly climbing to an out of control status and I had absolutely NO energy. My Mental & Emotional Wellbeing was all over the place and severely hindered my outlook on my life and relationship with my family.

The program I previously tried to lose weight was a different version of Keto, during which I consumed so much fat like bacon and eggs several times a day and so many other foods that weren't good for my body. It didn't work because it was all about food and nothing about how I felt and the purpose of food, or even finding the right kind for my body.

Then the Vitaliti program not only gave me the right things to do, but explained to me why I was doing them. The knowledge given by Ti is more than I have ever heard or learned in my life. I learned the type food my body seemed to respond to better than what I have always tried in the past. It also gave me a very strong "why." We develop our "why" with the community in the first few days of the program and the accountability you get from it is phenomenal.

So far I have lost about 35 lbs, and my medical stats have changed drastically. I am currently taking only 1 medication per Dr. orders. All pain pills and pills taken for numbness have been discontinued. No more inulin pen as I was taking 1x weekly; just 1 pill now. Recently spoke with Dr. and she says with this progress, our next step is is taking me off all meds.

I think when and what I eat was a major shift for me during this whole program; it takes the pressure off of feeling guilty and most of all starving myself and then indulging on food that's not healthy for me. Emotionally I started feeling better about myself after I could really see the change in my face and my clothes fitting. I felt more confident about myself, I was more calm, and didn't feel like I was on edge anymore about everything, and I have so much energy now it's crazy.

It means EVERYTHING to me; my relationship with my daughters, my wife and sons have all improved.

I love the community support, information, supplements, education, Ti's friendliness, her positive outlook, and the way she motivates so many people. Its so refreshing to have someone that doesn't look down on you and is always there to move you to higher ground. She's no dummy; she know her stuff, and has an explanation for most comments people have.

It's phenomenal; I would only recommend this program for real results."
"Taking your class with my husband really had such a positive impact on our lives, and we have in turn motivated so many others who have wondered what our secret has been. And we stuck with it because we did it together - I think that was a key.

The program just intuitively feels right - there's no gimmick - and works. I ended up losing around 20 pounds and have managed to keep it off! We are really grateful we found it when we did!

"This VitaliTi class was a revelation! My partner Jeffrey and I took the program together, hoping to fine-tune our eating. We got so much more than that.

Ti’s program is unique in its approach to nutrition; it’s full of practical, science-based principles to guide you to healthier eating and feeling your best. Jeffrey has lost 15 pounds in about a month, and I just feel more “defined” somehow, physically and mentally. And there is a real sense of community and camaraderie in the program, a sense that we are all in this together, helping each other find a healthy way to eat that works for us.

What this nutritional-focused class really has going for it is an uncommon amount of personal attention that you can’t get anywhere else. Zoom virtual classes create an unexpected intimacy with Ti, who is able to focus on each participant in a way that adds so much value to these classes."
"When I started I weighed 185 and wore a size 14 pants and large shirts. I was worried I would become diabetic (runs in the family). I remember the most annoying thing about being over weight was bending down to tie my shoes and I wouldn’t be able to breathe! I had low confidence, I remember not really wanting to go out to rodeo, parties, or family events. I would get headaches and I remember when ever I got a cold it would last months like a cold after a cold after a cold.

Since starting the VitaliTi program I have lost 55 pounds, and I feel really really healthy! I went from a size 14 to a size 4.

I feel very confident now; I can be invited to impromptu events and feel great about going because I know I won’t have to spend hours picking out clothes that will look good on me and smothering my face in make up. I have more energy than most of my friends and I think I’m a little more out going too!

When you first meet Ti you realize she's a VIBRANT person. She loves to teach and learn herself, which is great. She doesn't just find one result and stick to it, she evolves with her studies of nutrition.

The community and accountability is the best part of Vitality. When you look up the word positivity in the dictionary it shows a picture of Ti's face. We have this thing in our house called “pulling a Ti” it is when one of us voices a complaint or negative comment about a nutritional issue and another person replies with “I am going to pull a Ti” and they flip the comment into a positive moment and evaluation that we can learn from. Cause that is what Ti does."
"The beauty of your VitaliTi programs is how they become about science. The science of how my body reacts to the things I consume, my routine and habits. When I get the feedback from the metabolic scale (and Ti’s very skillful interpretation of my numbers), it allows me the tools to understand the science of my body’s reactions. Once I have that, it becomes about choices. Not just about how much weight I have or have not lost.

That’s when I shift from “being on a diet” to “a lifestyle change where I’m in control of making choices that affect how I feel, my energy, and lead to weight loss."
"I have always struggled with my weight. I can reach my goal but staying there is the problem and as I get older my weight has been fluctuating meaning easy to gain hard to lose. Going on vacation always gets me off track and getting back on track is so difficult for me.

I’m lifetime member of Weight Watchers! I have also tried Paleo, Beachbody Shakes, Cambiati, South Beach. Exercise has been running and the gym. Then I was introduced to VitaliTi a few years ago and I was very successful.

I started with Keto Cleanse and things started to shift. Mentally I felt clear, physically I had more energy, and most of all I wasn’t hungry all the time. I felt committed to the program right away; my thought was "follow the program and see if it works for you." If I cheated then I wouldn’t really know if it works. I ended up losing around 20 pounds!

I have joined the Mastery program for accountability because I don’t want to gain and lose weight over and over!!! I like knowing I have support. I feel great! I like knowing my clothes will fit. I realized I’m happy with my body and how I look. I have never been able to say that. I like looking at my body as a science experience working the numbers along with the food. I love Ti’s knowledge, support, and commitment. 

The online VitaliTi programs have been great. I feel anyone who really wants to make a commitment to themselves and the program will be successful. I tell my friends and family if you are ready to make a change this program will work for you but you have to commit and do the work!! I feel I’m still learning and benefiting from the VitaliTi program on my journey to permanent weight loss."
"In my 30's I did South Beach, but I easily lost and gained weight. I also was a fitness instructor and member of a dance team so that kept me in tone. When I got into my late 40's and started menopause South Beach didn't work for me anymore. It was frustrating. I learned about Keto from Ti, and the details of fat storage, hydration, and carbs that I had never learned in a way that stuck with me so that I could replicate it.

I was frustrated with how my body was changing in menopause, being pre-diabetic, and not being able to manage my weight effectively.

I had real success with Ti's Keto Cleanse because of the community support so I decided to continue with the Mastery program. Since starting, I have lost over 20 pounds!

I am experiencing a quiet sense of mountain top achievement in reaching this milestone. Mastery is teaching me a lifestyle. I am excited to be in this program to have the support as I learn to master maintaining my ideal weight through holidays, vacations, and any unexpected events that may occur.

The community and Ti's commitment to working with her clients to discover what works and what doesn't work for them is what really makes the programs. It works, if you work it. It's a commitment but it's worth it."
"On the program, I lost nearly 30 pounds! I am well on my way.

I’ve been committed to the program since I started; there are times when I fall short but it never last more than a day.
My life has changed because my confidence level is changing. It makes me feel good when I accomplish goals and I look better!

I love Ti's enthusiasm, I love her inspiration, and I love how she empowers you to be the best you."
"Before starting Ti's program I was overweight and feeling generally run down and tired. I wasn't sleeping well and was pretty much feeling all around crappy. I had tried a few different weight loss programs, but nothing ever stuck.

During Ti's Weight Loss Break Through program, I lost a total of 25 lbs and kept it off almost 100%. I have been fluctuating between 190 and 195 lbs since the program ended.

I feel great now and I am very happy that I decided to make this change and commitment.
The community and the education around diet/health has been my favorite part of the VitaliTi programs. Ti's energy and love for what she does is my favorite part about her!!

My whole family is doing the program now. Thanks for all that you do Ti!! This has been such a great journey."
The weight loss testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. Every testimonial on this website is from a real client who went through our VitaliTi nutrition programs. No one was paid for a testimonial or endorsement. Before and after photos were not retouched or altered. Results (weight, body fat percentage, circumference measurements, etc) were self-reported. Typical weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week when someone consistently practices healthy eating and activity levels. If one does not practice healthy eating and have activity level, no results should be expected. Results may vary from person to person based on body size and other factors.